Parakao | Whare Creek Bivouac | Tauranga B n B 2kms from CBD Tauranga | Mount Linton | For Puffed Pedallers Mapua | Wellington Botanical Gardens | Makerua | Taumaiti | Grass Hummock | Cathedral Square | Gumtree Lodge Bed Breakfast Christchurch | Braemar | Raetihi | Rockyside | Port Motueka | Riverlea Cottage Westport | West Lea | Wangapeka | Fountain City Motor Inn | Mount Armstrong | Kopukairoa | Moorbank | Thornbury | Tarawera Island | Huntington Stables Retreat Cambridge | Blanket Bay | Hillside | Waimate Aerodrome | Heartland Hotel Marlborough | Arch Hill
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Silverton | The Snout | Lake Moeraki Wilderness Lodge @ 2025
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